Professor Gabu

My first contact with Capoeira was at the age of 15 in a social project of the technical school Faetec in Rio de Janeiro, at that time
led by Mestre Farmácia. In 2003 I started to train daily with Mestre Camisa and then I got the opportunity to make Capoeira my profession.
my profession. In 2000 I got the blue cord (Graduado), in 2007 the purple cord (Instrutor) and since 2019 I am a Professor with the brown cord. Since 2001 I have been working as a Capoeira Trainer and spreading the
Culture of Capoeira art first in Brazil and now in Europe. I was
15 years as a Capoeira Trainer in numerous schools, clubs,
gyms and social projects in Rio de Janeiro. Since
October 2017 I taught children and adults in the Allgäu in
Kempten. I am excited about the opportunity to share the culture of my homeland
and to spread the art of Capoeira here in Germany. 2021 I moved
to Berlin and now work together with Nativa. Our goal is to bring the
energy of Capoeira to the students and to build a group in which the members
group where the members feel connected, have fun and do something for their
do something for their body and mind.”

With my experiences from the Brazilian culture, the training expands
training to other parts such as dances (e.g. maculelê or jongo and
samba) and drum rhythms.